Republic St, Valletta
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Republic St, Valletta
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Museums and monuments

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A visit to The National Museum of Archaeology is a perfect way to learn about the history of Malta. This museum, suitable for all ages, exhibits a wonderful collection of artifacts from Malta that date back to ancient times. Watch displays from the Ghar Dalam phase (5200 BC) running up to the Tarxien phase (2500 BC) and pieces from the Bronze Age, Phoenician, Punic, Roman and Byzantine all under one roof at the Auberge de Provençe, on Republic Street, Valletta.

The first room in this museum hosts pieces that trace men’s early settlement in Malta up to the temple-building periods. This collection includes the earliest tools used by the prehistoric people in their everyday life, Red Skorba ornaments and representation of animal life. The main hall in the Malta National Museum of Archaeology is dedicated to beautiful and magnificent temple carvings. The collection contains representations of animals, temple models, and extraordinary human figures. The highlights of these figures is the Sleeping Lady which has been brought to the museum from the Hypogeum and the Venus of Malta that was found in Hagar Qim.

The last and final room in this archaeological museum exhibits collectibles form the temple period which include pottery, tools, beads and other interesting and special ornaments for us to learn and explore. Don’t forget to visit the Obsidian Core, a Headless Seated figure once you are visiting the museum. The Malta National Museum of Archaeology is set within Auberge de Provençe, a beautiful Baroque building in the capital city, Valletta, dating back to 1571. The Auberge de Provençe used to be the house to the Knights of the Order of St John and displays some of the best Baroque architecture in Malta.