Triq Hagar Qim, Il-Qrendi QRD 2501
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Triq Hagar Qim, Il-Qrendi QRD 2501
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The Hagar Qim Temple in Qrendi, was discovered under rubble in 1839, dating from around 2400-2000 B.C. The largest megalith found here is seven meters tall and weighs around 20 tons.

The excavations also produced many 'fat figure' statuettes including the naturalistic 'Venus of Malta'. On the outer side of the northern flank of Hagar Qim Temple, an open-air shrine has been inserted into the wall, whose facade combines the suggestive symbols of the male and female reproductive organs.

There is also the unique four-sided altar, and the temple’s construction employs corbelling or over-sailing of the walls to narrow the span of the roof. The Hagar Qim Temples are a UNESCO World Heritage site.