Qrendi QRD 2502
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Qrendi QRD 2502
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The Mnajdra Temple complex is located in Qrendi, in Southern Malta, close to the sea in a little valley next to where the temple of Hagar Qim stands. In fact, the proximity of the two temple sites makes for a very convenient combined visit.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site dates to around 3600-2500BC.

The Mnajdra Temples are surrounded by rocky countryside and wide views of the open-sea, while the small islet of Filfla is visible on the horizon. The open setting of these temples gives much better experience than closely walled-in sites in Tarxien and Kordin. The remains of three temples have been discovered at the Mnajdra complex, two large buildings with two pairs of apses and a much smaller building with a trefoil layout.